Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Concept and Understanding of DLI

Wages are very closely related to work, and work is the first call for every human being to life. So, in this decent living income concept includes two important things are: work and wages. Therefore, in this brief report we need to re-clarify the concept of work and wages and the relationship between the two.

Work Concept
Employment is a contract between two parties, one being the employer and the other being the employee. An employee may be defined as: "A person in the service of another under any contract of hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed.

The YCW believes in the necessity of just work for all based on a new concept of work where all forms of work are given full social and economic recognition. Work should no longer be defined only as what someone does to earn a salary but rather as all physical and mental labour for the functioning, reproduction and development of the society. Work in this sence becomes human work as it is what people 'do' for each other and for the social, cultural, economic and political benefit of society.

Joseph Cardijn, the founder of YCW, said, “”without work there is nothing”. In this short phrase Cardijn is saying that work has both a material and spiritual significance that is vital to individual and to society as a whole. That just work is central to the purpose of humanity and to the whole social question.

In Genesis, the first book of the bible, we meet God as a worker who worked for six days and rested on the seventh. On the sixth day God created humanity to continue the work of creation, to participate in the activity of God. In this “Kingdom of God” human work and sharing is the norm and as such humanity has that it needs. Later in the bible, Jesus declares that the partnership with God can be renewed and that the Kingdom of God can again take shape in the world. For this reason, Jesus takes the side of the excluded and denounces power structures that oppress people. For Him the Kingdom of God is possible only by revolutionising the way society is organised. Jesus call for a New Society where a radical equality is the norm. where people have work (among other things) and are able to live life in its fullest. For this reason Cardijn goes on to say that young workers “are not machines, animal or slaves... but sons and daughters, collaborators with God”.

The concept of work in Islam (called ‘amal) is far broader and has different characteristics and objectives than that understood in the Western economic tradition. In Islam, work ethic is defined by the Quran itself, which mentions the word ‘amal in 360 verses. A closely related concept of fi’l (also translated as work) is mentioned in an additional 109 verses. All these verses stress the need for work and action by human beings. It is based on this emphasis on work that Islam is considered as the ideology of practice and the practice of ideology, a religion of action, and “the par axis of the believers. Work, therefore, is regarded not only as a right but a duty and an obligation. Islam extends to the individual the right to choose the type of work he desires, but along with this freedom comes the obligation to consider the needs of the society as well as the selection of the type of work permitted by the Shariah.

Wage concept
When we talk about wages we will find the division of understanding of wages in several terms, including wage, minimum wage, living wage, floor wage, the universal living wage and the most recently introduced by IYCW ASPAC, namely decent living income (DLI).

A wage is a compensation, usually financial, received by workers in exchange for their labor.

A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees or workers. Equivalently, it is the lowest wage at which workers may sell their labor.

A Living wage is a term used to describe the minimum hourly wage necessary for an individual to meet basic needs, including shelter (housing) and other incidentals such as clothing and nutrition, for an extended period of time or a lifetime.

A decent living income:
First of all we would like to clarify, why we use the word "income" and not "wage". The definition of wage already ingrained in the hearts of each person that the only people who work to others who receive wages. Then what about the people who work without a formal employment agreement? What about those who work in the informal sector? What about those who work but do not have employers who pay their wages?

While our concept stretcher here is applicable to all workers in formal and informal sectors. Which require a living wage is not only those working in the formal sector, but also the informal sector. That's why we were consciously and confidently proposed as alternative a DLI campaign to reach out wider workers in all sectors.

DLI is term to describe the minimum monthly wage necessary for an individual to meet basic needs of the family, including adequate food and drink, adequate shelter (housing), adequate clothing, adequate health and social service and adequate social security for an extended period of time or a lifetime and to be continues improving the living condition for formal and informal workers.

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