Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Quick facts that in 2005, 1.4 billion people lived on US$1.25 or less a day. 10 million die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. Rising food prices may push 100 million people deeper into poverty. But fewer children below five are undernourished - from 33% in 1990 to 26% in 2006.

Goal 1 of the MDG is Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger and one of the its target (target 1.B) is to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people, which consist of (1) Growth rate of GDP per person employed; (2) Employment-to-population ratio; (3) Proportion of employed people living below $1 (PPP) per day, and (4) Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment

Wage is an important concern in the world debate and all governments who are members of the UN agreed to guarantee a decent living income for every people. The spirit was very evident in the MDG goal 1, target 1.B that is “achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people”, however, millions of workers in various cities in the world, still suffer from extremely low wages that keep them to live in perpetual poverty.

Wages become a problem since the working relationship between the employer (employer) and recipients of work (workers). Since then - do not know when exactly - to the present wages has always been a central theme to "be negotiated". Employment and wages are basic and fundamental issue in workers' life. Without work, we can not optimally contribute to the advancement of society and social change. However, work without a decent living income is tantamount to torture and modern slavery.

By sharing a dream of all workers to have a decent standard of living, IYCW ASPAC and all national movements in Asia and the Pacific agreed to the theme of work and wages as point of debate from 2008 to the present. Since the approval of work and wage as a campaign theme, all the energy and strength ASPAC team and national movements focus on the collection of reality, strengthening of awareness, analysis and strategic action plan to boost the wages of workers in the Asia and Pacific

This report is a track record of decent living income campaign initiated by IYCW ASPAC together with all the YCW national movements in Asia and the Pacific. This report comes from life and reality of young workers, dreams and aspirations of young workers, and also from the action and analysis of young workers. We hope this report could be a reference for action by each YCW national movement and also to social groups and trade unions in Asia and the Pacific.

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